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ocean [2024/03/28 08:23] avaocean [2024/03/28 14:17] (current) ava
Line 1: Line 1:
-**Texture maps**+**waterOcean_DEV - shader**
 +{{:ocean.jpg?400|}} {{https://cryengine.ru/video/SPCE2_is_coming.mp4}}
 +**Texture maps**
 ^ Texture      ^ Using for        ^ Texture      ^ Using for       
Line 14: Line 20:
 | Custom   | foam diffuse texture    |  | Custom   | foam diffuse texture    | 
 | [1] Custom  | Secondary foam diffuse texture    |  | [1] Custom  | Secondary foam diffuse texture    | 
 +Shader parameters (*SGP- Shaders generation Params checkbox)
 +^Shader Params ^Dependence ^Description^
 +|FFT tilling||Tilling FFT texture |
 +|Tilling||Tilling texture |
 +|Detai bump tilling||detail tilling |
 +|High freq Scale|| Extra Ocean detail SGP|
 +|Low freq detail scale|||
 +|Bump scale|||
 +|Ocean waves variation||Extra ocean transform SGP|
 +|Gradient scale ||Extra ocean transform SGP|
 +|SS Tilling |||
 +|Foam multiplier|Foam SGP||
 +|Foam threshold |Foam SGP||
 +|Foam mix |Foam SGP |Mix level between foam layer1 and layer 2 |
 +|Foam size |Foam SGP|1 layer foam size (near beach)|
 +|Foam bump scale|Foam SGP|Foam bump scale|
 +|Soft intersection factor|||
 +|Reflection amount|||
 +|Reflection bump scale||Reflection bump level|
 +|Refraction bump scale|||
 +|WhiteCaps amount||currently working incorrect|
 +|Fresnel bias|||
 +|Fresnel power|||
 +|Sun multiplier|||
 +|Subsurface color||Extra subsurface param SGP|
 +|Sand multiplier|Sand drifting SGP|Sand multiplier|
 +Shader Generation parameters
 +^Shader Generation Param ^Dependence ^Description^
 +|Sunshine||Enable sunshine|
 +|Fake camera movement|-|Fake camera movement|
 +|No refraction bump|-|no refraction|
 +|Rain drops|-|enable rain drops generation|
 +|Shore FX|-|shore effect|
 +|No foam|-|disable foam rendering|
 +|Extra ocean detail|-|rendering extra water detail|
 +|Extra ocean transform|-|additional water surface transform|
 +|Extra Subsurface|$Specular texture|extra subsurface water color|
 +|Foam type 2|$custom- foam1 texture, #custom1- foam2 texture|additional foam render|
 +|Sand drifting||Enable underwater sand drifting|
 +|Lerp/Dot Foam||Foam mix function, checked- using lerp, unchecked-dot function|
 +Shader depensencies
 + --- //[[ava@ava.net.ru|ava]] 2024/03/28 09:03//
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